Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Not a slave, an angel!

Hi, all. How are you doing in this snowy weather? I think you might need a fur coat, Pamela. Some of us are lucky because we already have our own homegrown variety.

Busy day, today. I've been exploring the snow.

I hadn't met snow before, though my white bear friend had told me about it. Trouble was, he didn't tell me what
happened when it melted.
So I was quite happy to go out
and make a snow angel,
and to explore the deep
crevasses from the
washing line.
Then - I came into the warm. And all this amazing snow turned into water!!!! I had to wrap up in a towel and sit by the magical gingerbread house to get dry. The sweets were very tempting, but I resisted. My human was supposed to go back to swimming cl . . . .slimming club tonight, but she says it's off because of the snow. I think I believe her.
Lots of love to all my friends out there. We're going to have a nice warm drink and watch a DVD - I've suggested Ice Age, but I'm not sure Chris is happy with that. See you!!!


  1. Love your snow angel C, and well done on resisting the sweets - I would have gobbled the lot. Monkey x

  2. That looks a lovely snuggly towel and well done you for resisting the sweets.

  3. Glad to see you had so much fun Comenius, you make a great angel! Thank goodness you had a nice snuggly towel to wrap up in. I like the look of that magical gingerbread house,those sweets look really yummy to me, I don't think I would have been so good as you.
    I hope you enjoyed the DVD, did you have any nice choccies to eat as well?

  4. Brrrr being a snow angel looks like a cold job. Hope the towel soon warmed you back up again.

  5. From th elook of what you have been up to, it looks like you needed to be wrapped up in that towel!
